NASAA Certified Organic

Open post

Health Benefits of Turmeric

My interest in the health benefits of turmeric began decades ago when growing it on our certified organic farm near Pt Elliot. We now have one of the most interesting range of turmeric products available in Australia. We have giant turmeric – temu lewak, white turmeric – kencur, yellow turmeric, ground turmeric and are over […]

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Open post

Rain Forest Alliance

Late 2016 we had the privilege of being escorted around some superbly managed Rain Forest Alliance accredited tea estates in Darjeeling and Assam in Northern India. We’re delighted to offer our final selection of these teas to our customers at PLANT 4 BOWDEN and the MARKET SHED ON HOLLAND ST!

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Open post

“Coffee Bean to Cup”

It always gives me immense satisfaction when we pull off a true “paddock to plate”, “coffee bean to cup” or “cacao bean to bar” concept. Here we have our latest crop of organic green coffee beans picked, processed, shipped and finally roasted for our customers enjoyment. Single estate and “direct” trade at its best through […]

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Open post

Food Inspired by Nature

Beach Organics – creating food inspired by nature! Whether we’re wondering through our own certified organic permaculture property near Pt Elliot, harvesting lemon verbena or rosella flowers to dry for refreshing herbal teas, or growing our own carrot seed for future plantings … or on one of our many O/S travels making connections with indigenous […]

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Open post

Market Shed Sunday

Beach Organics – small crop, certified organic poly culture at its best! As the sun goes down, I’ve just picked … Baby carrots, Warragul, broad bean tips, 5 different types of lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, mizuna, japanese salad greens, our first flush of artichokes, silver beet, spinach, parsley, rosemary, coriander, thyme & chillies! A recent […]

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Open post

Ready for the Market Shed

Beach Organics small crop farming at its best. Just picked certified organic spinach, chillies, kale, artichokes, Swiss chard, silver beet, garlic shoots, broad bean tips, crunchy lettuce, coriander, thyme, mizuna, edible flowers and spring onions. All ready for our customers at the Market Shed on Holland St tomorrow!

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